
DeKUT Directorate of Student Welfare

Better Life through Technology

President’s Award Dekut Chapter Community Service at Nyeri Children Remand home

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Adam  Gardener  once  said  that  it’s  great  not  only  talking  about  Community  Service  in  theory  but  actually  doing it.  The  President’s  Award  family  at  Dedan  Kimathi  University  family  made a soul  smile at  Nyeri Children Remand Home on Saturday, 28th  May 2016 when  the scheme paid a visit.


This  was  the first  community  service  for  the semester May-August  and one  of  its  kind.  The participants engaged and interacted with the children.  The kids were happy to have us as they showed in their presentations.  They had so much energy and confidence.  They  also  posed  some  good  learning  experiences  where  we  as  students  learnt  and  appreciate  our  freedom.  


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Nyeri  Children  Remand  Home  is  a  government  institution  under  the  Children’s  Department. It  holds  homage  for  children  whose  cases  are still ongoing  in Children Court  to  determine  their  fate.  They  also  take  into  protection  the  children  whose  safety  and  welfare  is  threatened  by  the  community  around  them.  It  is  not  a  permanent  place  for  them  as  after  a while  they are  taken  either  to juvenile  or  back  to their  families.

It  was  nice  being  around  the  kids  and see  them  smile. As you live, leave and touch a soul around you.


Hinga Maina

Assistant Patron


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